Interlude: Cohen’s Treasure, Part 1

While Keaton and I work on getting our next travel video ready, we wanted to share a little movie Cohen and I started.  Inspired by the discovery of a “secret path” near our campsite, Cohen devised the below timeless storyline, improvised all dialog, and has given us a fine solo performance.

He wanted to be sure I called this “Part 1” to avoid any confusion about there being more to come.


Beginnings: Westport Beach for Labor Day weekend

We began our (almost) year on the road with a weekend trip to Westport Beach in Northern California, hoping for a repeat of an excellent trip this same weekend last year.  It was a great few days with friends.

Keaton gets credit for all the raw footage, and we did most of the editing together.  We’re planning on getting better with time – this is our first go with some new software… there are some audio (and other) issues.

Thanks for following!